Wednesday, 16 January 2013

have a goal

As busy and as complicated as everyone's lives are these days, don't ignore your personal and professional goals from keeping you away from focusing and prioritizing what's most important for you and your family.

Everyone needs a personal development plan to help you develop, prioritize-plan-and execute a course of action that is most important for you and your family in realizing your full optimal potential for personal and professional fulfillment in your life.

Do you know how to develop an action plan for setting goals ? Do you know how to prioritize and put your goal setting steps into action? What are your career goals or business goals for your life? How about proven marketing tips for the work at home business idea that you have?
What are your retirement planning goals in life today or your entrepreneurship pursuits such as your own work from home business?

These are just some of the many topics of interest including college planning, self-improvement , fitness goals and weight loss goals , and objectives that you will learn how to develop, implement and apply to your personal and professional life through Personal Goal Setting for Busy People.

 I shall pass through this world but once. Any good there that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. –Mahatma Gandhi
This quotation helps me understand more regarding our topic last week in ORDEV-C class about Life and Time. We’ve learned that Life is Time, a span of moment that represents the life we enjoyed. We’ve also learned that time can be managed and so as life. However time is limited. Money can be regained, but time cannot, and so life. In that minute of our discussion, we have realized the true value of time and the need to set goals-our life goals.
We have always been told about setting goals and what we can do in order to achieve it. Solicit advises perhaps from our grandparents in pursuing excellence and gathering tips and recommendations from successful people. Yes, reflecting on these tips will greatly help us to achieve our goals. But the most important part is to know first your life purpose. The purposes God created you and not just existed.
We are “called according to His purpose,” not according to the need, or the fact that the door is open, or that our talent will be appreciated and well rewarded.  Our vision must fulfill our God-ordained destiny, nothing else. But isn’t okay to make plans and set goals? Yes, but your plans and goals should come out of a vision that God has given you. However, when you know God has given you a vision for your life, you trust Him, even when you can’t see any way to bring it to pass.
In your journey to life, you may face many obstacles-the giants in your life. But the good thing is that we can manage it. As early as now, learn to prioritize what is important as what I’ve quoted above “…let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” In the best-selling book in the world that inspires a lot of people, it says “Faith without action is dead”. Same as if we just wrote our life goals but do nothing about it, it’s useless.

“Our goals can be reached through a vehicle of plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no route to success.” –Stephen A. Brennan


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